How to Review Project Recommendations

  1. Select a tab below to zoom into details about the key areas of the project corridor, learn about the types of improvements proposed, and future projects.
  2. Then select a numbered drop-down below that to see more details about specific locations.
  3. You can provide feedback using the tools in the "Tell Us What You Think" section.


Whitaker-West Mifflin

This image displays the recommended bus stop consolidation for the Whitaker and West Mifflin segment of the corridor.

Detailed Intersection Recommendations

City of Duquesne


5th Ave/Lysle Blvd

The corridor becomes Lysle Blvd in McKeesport, a wide, fast-moving highway.

PRT's newly-renovated McKeesport Transportation Center (2022) is located along this corridor.

Detailed Intersection Recommendations


Improvement Types

These types of features me be appropriate at places across the corridor
  • Bus Boarding Bulbs (Bump-outs)

    Bus boarding bulbs (also known as bump-outs for curb extensions) expand the sidewalk into the parking lane to provide more space, make boarding the bus easier and more accessible, and prevent illegally-parked cars from blocking the bus stop.

    Click to see more info on Bus Boarding Bulbs from NACTO.

  • Queue Jump Lane

    Queue Jumps allow buses to bypass stopped traffic, using short bus lanes and/or trasnit-priority traffic signals.

    Click to see more info on Queue Jump Lanes from NACTO.

  • Pedestrian Safey Islands

    Pedestrian Safety Islands help people cross the street by providing a safe place to stop in the middle of the street. They also make pedestrians more visible an can slow traffic to make crossing safer and easier.

    Click to see more info on Pedestrian Safety Islands from NACTO.

  • Green Infrastructure

    Bumpouts can incorporate green infrastructure like planted areas to beautify the street and capture stormwater. A maintenance plan is a key component to ensuring long-term effectiveness.

    Click to see more info about green infrastructure from NACTO.

Future Opportunities

Future bridge projects will provide an opportunity to collaborate with PennDOT and Allegheny County to make transit improvements in these areas.

A future bridge preservation project presents an opportunity to collaborate with PennDOT and Allegheny County to incorporate transit-supportive design.

A future bridge preservation project presents future opportunity for collaborating with PennDOT and Allegheny County to incorporate transit-supportive design. The existing configuration and function of the bridge ramps to the Waterfront may also be reconsidered to provide better traffic circulation.