About the Project

Bethel Village Station, on the Red Line, is in the municipality of Bethel Park and currently serves a limited population due to inaccessibility. PRT, alongside local partners, will be redesigning the station to improve accessibility at the station itself as well as connections to surrounding assets. The plan will also improve station design by making PRT facilities more comfortable, easier to use, more sustainable, and more attractive. The final product of this plan will be the 10% conceptual design for a new Bethel Village Station that improves access and raises the profile of this community asset.


The project team is meeting with local stakeholders in December to determine local needs and patterns in the station area. This meeting will help the project team develop conceptual plans to bring to the public for engagement in 2025.

Station Area Map

Station Area Map of Bethel Village Station

Existing Conditions

This project addresses the following values from PRT’s long-range transportation plan, NEXTransit, adopted in 2021.

  • Accessible: infrastructure is fully available in every way to those with specific needs, such as physical or mental disabilities, those traveling with infants or small children, and those traveling with groceries or other goods.
  • Equitable: the project not only ensures the fair provision of services to those with limited means or higher risk, but affirmatively acts to better the services offered to these groups in an effort to combat historical and environmental imbalances in the community.

These projects are funded by the Federal Transit Authority's All Stations Accessibility Program (ASAP). This program was established to make legacy transit stations accessible for the first time. PRT received a total of $36.4 million to support accessibility improvements to a number of Red Line Stations

The Municipality of Bethel Park, Bethel Park Baseball, UPMC, Giant Eagle, Allegheny County Economic Development, Connect, Mobilify, Pittsburghers for Public Transit, PennDOT


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    August 2024

    The PRT team had their internal project kick off

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    December 2024

    The first stakeholder meeting will be held

  • Timeline item 3 - active

    January 2025

    Initial design concepts will be completed

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    March 2025

    First round of public engagement

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    April 2025

    Draft 10% conceptual design will be completed

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    May 2025

    The second round of public engagement will be held

  • Timeline item 7 - incomplete

    June 2025

    The station area plan will be complete

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Moira Egler

Project Manager

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